Bet you all thought I fell off the end of the earth! Sometimes it feels like I did!
Been busy purging out things I should have gotten rid of before our move last year ... and each go-round, I find more and more to get rid of. DH and I went back to Sicily for a month (him for work and me to play, see friends).... and I brought back a ton of stuff ... most of which I am now looking at and saying "why - why - WHY???"
I forgot my codes to get into this blog -- embarassing, right?? I changed them ,,, and then didn't update my passwords chart a goofball, I probably figured "I'll remember that!" and promptly forgot.
The last two months or so, I have working hard on organizing digital photos. Have gathered up all the CDs, memory cards and sticks, old computers (still have to find a place to E-cycle them after getting them wiped clean) and anything else I can find that I've stashed photos on over the years. Probably will find more as I continuing purging the excess "stuff" I've collected over the years (shudder to think of the money I've wasted ... but so life goes and learn from the mistake). Getting rid of the fuzzy photos, labeling and organizing the others. If I make the effort to take them ... may as well have them accessible so they can be enjoyed.
Plan to move photographs over to an online photo storage company like Flickr or Photobucket or such after I research which one works better for my life and also will go old-school and have some photo albums made of many of them. Quite a few pins on Pinterest show people having photo albums again and using a company like Snapfish, Shutterfly or whatever makes it easy to put one together and with sales, it can be done fairly reasonably.
Yup ... I'm "Holly-Berry-Elf" on
Been fighting a cold over the last week .. drinking lots of hot water with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, honey and either ginger, cinnamon or cayenne in it. Sad part ... I've actually gotten to the point that I LIKE the taste of the stuff !?!
Re-organized our pantry last week. It was a disaster ... though I think I need one more "canned" shelf in there. Found (and tossed) a lot of expired stuff and things I have no idea just why I bought them .. donated the still usable items.
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Chat with you all soon! Holly
Yeah, she lives
Amazing, isn't it? (snicker)
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