Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Laundry room re-do

DH and I picked up some shelves today for
our laundry room ~
since we rent, can't paint the room
(would love light rose color walls)
~~ this looks so much better than it was before !
Before the shelves, we'd just toss the kitchen towels into a pile on the floor
(I go through a lot - at least two a day) ~
and the baby blankets I make for charity would be piled on the washer until I had a full load.
Now I have baskets to corral them both ~
that's a roll-up ironing pad on the top. 
Before I could iron on washer ~ need to find
a new place now.
Don't you love the "tin" laundry room box?
Found it in a Sicilian flea market
 a few years  ago... brand new!
What have you done to simplify
or organize your life?
Always on the look-out for more ideas!    Holly 

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