How cool! Welshcakes Limoncello,, gave me this award (it was yesterday when I started this - now it's a month ago). What a warm fuzzy feeling to know that someone (other than family) acknowledges what I have done.
A condition of the award is that I have to tell you 7 things you may not know about me.
1. I am lactose-intolerant -- my childhood doctor finally figured it out when I was in middle school.
2. I have a fear of falling -- bad enough that I can't even ride on ferris-wheels.
3. I detest peppermint candy! The candy canes on our small tree this year are strawberry flavour ....I like the green apple-flavoured ones too.
4. Until recently, I didn't like roses....even now, I don't really care for red roses -- yellow, pink or apricot color ones are not a problem -- just no red ones - please.
5. I've gone all the way around the world...just in two segments. Went west-ward from California to the Arabian Gulf one time and east-ward from California to Bahrain another time.
6. I've worked as a real estate agent...LOVED it! It is such a magical, wonderful feeling to help someone find and buy a home they truly love. A lot of work is involved and takes lots of time....but it's a fantastic feeling when it all comes together! Am currently a referral agent associated with RNI California, a division of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage ..... interested in buying or selling a property? I can connect you with some of the best agents in the real estate business .... people that take care of their clients and really do put the client first.
7. Right now my three favorite movies are "Somewhere in Time", "Auntie Mame" (with Rosalind Russell) and "Cool Runnings" -- I just realized that all three deal with overcoming challenges.
The other condition of the award is to pass the award onto seven other bloggers...(this was really hard for me to choose just many that I really can I exclude any of my favorites?) I tried to stay away from the "big" bloggers - most of us frequent them already ... but just couldn't drop FrugalUpstate off my list. London - a different picture everyday! She makes me think! Another who makes me think - and I regret to say I don't let lakeviewer know as often as I should that I have visited. Ways to have quality life without spending it all! Never know when I will need to care for my family and friends.
and two that are related (sorta) one springboards off the other right now... and Got to get our of my rut ...
It's taken me over a month to decide which seven (yes, I really have been trying that long to decide) .... looking back now, I'm thinking ...why did I stress over this so much? We all know there are hundreds of thousands of wonderful blogs out there.
Well, those are my (current) favorites .... ask me in ten minutes and you'll get quite a different list.
Hope you enjoy wandering through them ... Now to let everyone know.