Saturday, February 14, 2015

Feasting on Friday ... or is it Friday Funny?

My niece sent DH and I a care-package for Christmas ... she was so sweet to send us treats that we can't easily get over here.  When DH and I visit someplace new (for us), we really enjoy wandering through the different shops and seeing what food items are offered that we might not have seen before ... often buying them to enjoy.

Anyhow ... one of the items she sent us was Split Pea Soup mix.  It's one of our favorite soups ...though some people have a hard time getting past the weird green.

Had some leftover ham ... so decided to make it this evening and have an easy lunch tomorrow.

 Green Garden Soup?   
That's a different name for Split Pea ... oh well, it's only a name ....
 Hang on a minute.... 
the ingredient says the number one ingredient is Great Northern Beans ....

Nope ... not a white bean to be seen...
Oh well,,, it was accidentally mis-labeled ... no biggie.
Found a sorta HoneyBaked Ham Split Pea soup recipe on the web -
soup turned out fairly well ... 
but it is missing something - probably the ham bone.  
Never the mind ... we'll enjoy the soup ... and the love that sent it ....

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