I've missed chatting with all of you ... and would like to revamp my blog ... gotten bored with how it looks.
When we renewed our vows, DH put my rings on me again .... nice to have them back on again!
We also had a butterfly release that went amazingly well ... DH said he kept flashing on an old episode of "Two and A Half Men" where Charlie's mother gets remarried at the beach house and the butterflies are dead and serve as seagull food. Even the photographer said the butterfly release was one of the best she had ever seen.
We're back home again ... and brought back two Siamese cats we adopted from a rescue in Southern California (more about them later this week).... trying to get back into the swing of normal life again.
Of course, now I am starting to work on details of the next family reunion in 2018... still have to pin down which of two places it wll be held ...
Onward and upward ...
What wonderful things have happened in your life since last we spoke?
Please share one or two ...